Webinar Series for undergraduates 2 – (Tamil Medium)
Join Zoom Meeting : https://learn.zoom.us/j/65463838883?pwd=Z253OWdUeEdnMXRmVXVNSzU4cHdSQT09 Password : s+s0KTBH
Webinars for undergraduates
Join Zoom Meeting : https://learn.zoom.us/j/69032867185?pwd=Z2g4NndYNjBnRUYxNE9TU3JpUGI1dz09#success Password : Hbd@QG1!
International Human Rights Day 2020
In commemoration of the International Human Rights Day 2020, Centre for the Study of Human Rights (CSHR), Faculty of Law, University of Colombo has organized a webinar on the topic of “Challenges Faced by Urban Vulnerable Communities During COVID-19 “ on 17th December 2020 at 2.00pm onwards. Anyone interested is welcome to join by registering […]
A discussion on the movie “Paanghsu”
The Association for the Aesthetic Dimensions of Law (AADL) organized a discussion on the “Paanghsu” movie, with the participation of Dr. Visakesa Chandrasekaram and Attorney-at-Law Tharanga Weerasinghe. The discussion focused on the legal aspects highlighted by the movie. The session have been scheduled to stream on 4th December (Friday) from 6pm onwards via Zoom, AADL […]
Postponement of the Awards Ceremony for the Advanced Certificate Courses – 2020
We regret to inform you that the Certificate Awards Ceremony for the Advanced Certificate Courses, scheduled to be held on 21st October 2020, has been postponed until further notice due to the current pandemic situation prevailed in the country. We will inform you about the new date later. Apologies for the inconvenience caused due to this postponement […]