DJIRC 2022
"Digital Transformation and Innovative Approaches in Mitigating Challenges:
A Global Agenda for Legal Education, Research and Reforms"
3rd - 4th December 2022
The Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka will host the ‘Diamond Jubilee International Research Conference’ (DJIRC) 2022 in a hybrid mode to commemorate its 75th anniversary. The conference is dedicated to celebrating the robust tradition of academic and research excellence maintained by the Faculty of Law during its seventy-five years of proud history as the premier seat of legal education in Sri Lanka. . The DJIRC-2022 will be held on the 3rd and 4th December 2022 under the theme- “Digital Transformation and Innovative Approaches for Mitigating Challenges: A Global Agenda for Legal Education, Research and Reforms”. We invite papers based on the conference theme from legal scholars around the world.

DAY 1 (3rd December 2022)
TRACK 1 : Interdisciplinary
TRACK 2 : Public Law
TRACK 3 : International Law
TRACK 4 : Private Law
TRACK 5 : Commercial Law
DAY 2 (4th December 2022)
TRACK 1 : General
TRACK 2 : Public Law
TRACK 3 : International Law
TRACK 4 : Private Law
TRACK 5 : Commercial Law