"Expanding the frontiers of legal research: law as a driver of social change"
9th - 10th December 2023
The Faculty of Law, University of Colombo is pleased to announce that its annual research symposium will be held as an international research conference in 2023. The conference will be held across a period of two days and hopes to showcase cutting edge local, comparative and international research papers that fall within the broad theme Expanding the frontiers of legal research: law as a driver of social change.

DAY 1 (9th December 2023)
DAY 2 (10th December 2023)
Deadlines for acceptance of abstracts:
10th July 2023
Mode of submission of abstracts:
The faculty will make available a digital platform for this purpose. It will be available on the website shortly.
Relevance of the theme:
The Faculty of Law believes that the theme is timely and relevant as social complexities are triggering massive change that outstrips legal solutions, leaving sections of society vulnerable and marginalized. We believe that timely legal solutions are as important as sound ones, since justice delayed is justice denied, and in order for justice to be served, the legal regime must first be in order and in tune with the needs of contemporary society. The Faculty welcomes papers from all branches of legal research, and also welcomes multi-disciplinary papers, provided the legal aspect is also dealt with.
Procedure for participation as a paper presenter:
Upon receipt of an abstract, the faculty will arrange for a peer review of the same. If the abstract is found to be satisfactory, the presenter will be asked to submit an extended abstract/short paper and expected to make a presentation at the conference. The submission will not be treated as a publication and therefore the abstract/extended abstract/paper may be published elsewhere. The presentation will be duly acknowledged. An opportunity to publish a paper in the faculty’s research publication, the Colombo Law Review, is available at the author’s discretion. Editorial guidelines for that publication will apply independently of those for the conference.
Mode of Presentation:
The conference is structured in hybrid mode. Those who are unable to be present physically at the University of Colombo will be allowed to present their papers via a digital platform. The organisers will require a recorded version of the presentation at least 5 days prior to the conference.