Webinar on Sovereignty of the People and Dilemma of the Constitution
Departmental Research Forum 07 of the Department of Public and International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, on Constitutional Law: Sovereignty of People and Dilemma of the Constitution. Organized by the Department of Public and International Law of the Faculty of Law, University of Colombo. 18.08.2022 via Zoom 7.00 p.m. IST Join 犀利士 Zoom Meeting https://learn.zoom.us/j/69061681160?pwd=ZXI0OThKRENaK1p3Slo4MUlJbFBTZz09 [...]
Advances Certificate in Fundamentals of Criminal Law
The deadline for submitting the applications for the Advanced Certificate in Fundamentals of Criminal Law (ACFCL) 2022/23 has been extended until 06th August 2022. Download Application Form ACFCL-2022
Webinar on International Law
Join Zoom Meeting .button-23703{ color: #1e73be; border-color: #1e73be } Meeting ID: 657 2400 6822 Passcode: Pil@law22
Volunteering & Internships with the Legal Aid Unit
Volunteering & Internships with the Legal Aid Unit The LAU invites the LLB undergraduates of the Faculty of Law of University of Colombo to apply for student-volunteer positions and internships. Volunteering The student-volunteers are given an opportunity to work with a volunteering lawyer to provide legal assistance to clients through face-to-face or telephone consultation sessions. [...]
Guest Lecture on Law of the Sea
Join zoom meetingText on the button Meeting ID: 689 2537 3518 Passcode: Sea@Web1
Guest lecture on Formation of e-contract-30.05.2022
Join zoom meeting Meeting ID: 671 712 5662 Pass code: LCgl30*5