Master of Laws by coursework
The Faculty of Law, University of Colombo is a leading institution offering a range of postgraduate qualifications in Sri Lanka. The newly introduced Master of Laws by coursework programme is intended to offer taught courses of contemporary relevance and importance. The LL.M programme is offered in three specializations; Master of Laws in Public & International Law, Master of Laws in Private & Comparative Law, and Master of Laws in Commercial Law. The wide range of courses offered in each specilisation allows the candidates to create a personalised programme according to their academic interests and career prospects.
A postgraduate qualification of this nature is an avenue to secure opportunities in professional and academic routes both locally and internationally. A Master of Laws by coursework is an excellent opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge in areas of interest and global perspectives on contemporary law. This programme is geared to create a vibrant academic environment where the candidates engage in critical debates and thought-provoking discussions with the facilitation of highly qualified academics, practitioners, and experts.
The Programme
The Master of Laws Degree is a well-structured programme combining coursework and an Independent Research Study. It is designed to meet the requirements of SLQF Level 9 as provided in the Sri Lanka Quality Assurance Framework (SLQF). The LL.M programme shall have a total of 30 credits, conducted over two (02) semesters. The candidates are allowed to select the subjects from the list of subjects offered by each department to complete a total 30 credits in total. (See Table 1).
The LL.M programme (2024/2025) will be delivered in a hybrid format, through blended learning. Teaching and learning involve interactive methods including lectures, seminars, and group work, etc. Active participation in debates and discussions is encouraged in order to have a stimulating academic experience.
Programme Objectives
Through the LL.M programme, the Faculty intends to equip the students with,
- an in-depth theoretical knowledge of the areas studied;
- analytical skills in applying legal knowledge to factual scenarios;
- legal writing skills to engage in academic writing;
- global perspectives on contemporary legal issues;
- the ability to engage in methodical research to find novel and appropriate responses to contemporary legal challenges.
Examination and Scheme of Evaluation
1. End-semester evaluation
The performance of a candidate shall be evaluated by end-semester assessments including term papers & / or continuous assessments, written reports, presentations, as well as research projects. The mode of the assessment for each course in each semester shall be decided by the course team headed by the Course Director and approved by the HDC.
2. Independent Research Study
Candidates should also conduct an Independent Research Study on a topic approved by the Faculty Board in the relevant specialisation. Each candidate shall independently work on a research study leading to the submission of a research report of not less than 10,000 words at the end of the Programme.
Admission Requirements
Admission to the LL.M programme is very competitive. Only a limited number of highly qualified and motivated individuals will be selected based on their merits to pursue the programme. No person shall be considered for admission to the LL.M unless that person satisfies the following minimum requirements:
- A Bachelors degree from a recognized University/Institution in the field of law, OR
- A professional qualification in law from a recognised professional body acceptable to the Faculty Board and to the Senate of the University of Colombo with a minimum of one (1) year experience, and
- Fulfill any other requirement prescribed by the Faculty Board and the Senate of the University of Colombo.
Subjects Offered
The following subjects are shortlisted to be available under the programme. However, the Faculty reserves the right not to offer some elective subjects in a given academic year due to non-availability of resource persons or an insufficient number of candidates who will offer the subject. In order to obtain an LLM Master of Laws, a candidate must successfully complete a total of 30 credits:
- Semester I
The compulsory module on Introduction to legal writing (3 credits)
Three (3 credit) modules (chosen from the table below)
- Semester II
The compulsory module on Research Methodology (4 credits)
Two 3 credit modules (chosen from the table below)
Compulsory Independent Research Study (08 credits)

The candidates are advised that the programme requires a commitment of at least 3 hours of coursework and 7 hours of self-study per week. Please note that the following table is an example of the timetable and the final version of it will be issued at the commencement of each semester.
Application & Availability of Places
Since only a limited number of places will be available, prospective applicants should make their application well in time. Applications for the programme should be made in the form obtainable from the website. The applicant should send the duly perfected application form along with two reference letters (academic/professional) and evidence to prove your proficiency in English to the LLM Coordinator, Postgraduate Unit, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, Colombo 03 via Registered Post on or before 30th July 2024.
Due to the competitive process involved, the possession of the required qualifications will not necessarily guarantee a place in the programme. Similarly, due to restrictions on the minimum and maximum number of students for a class, a candidate’s choice of subjects may not always be accommodated.
Course Fee
Local candidates- 505,000/=

Prof. (Dr.) Sampath Punchihewa
Faculty of Law
University of Colombo
Sri Lanka

Dr. U.A.T. Udayanganie
Department of Public & International Law
Faculty of Law
University of Colombo
Sri Lanka

Management Assistant
Ms. Sandani Lakma
Management Assistant
Faculty of Law
University of Colombo
Sri Lanka
Tel: 011 349 5184
Contact Details
011 349 5184
LLM Coordinator,
Master of Laws by coursework,
Postgraduate Unit,
Faculty of Law,
University of Colombo,
Colombo 03
Duly completed applications along with documents specified should be sent under registered cover to reach:
LLM Coordinator,
Master of Laws by coursework,
Postgraduate Unit,
Faculty of Law,
University of Colombo,
Colombo 03
On or before 30th July 2024.