Thulawa Law Magazine
Thulawa Law Magazine is the undergraduates’ official publication of the Faculty of Law, University of Colombo which is the only tri-lingual law magazine published by law students in Sri Lanka. Thulawa Law Magazine was first published in 2016 and the second volume was issued in 2022. The board of Directors of Thulawa Association for the year 2022/2023 is aiming to publish the third volume of Thulawa Law Magazine in this year.
Thulawa Law Magazine allows writers with an academic background in any discipline to publish their legal writings in any language of Sinhala/ Tamil/ English free of charge. However, the magazine will be sold at a reasonable price to cover the cost of printing and other expenditures.
Authors are allowed to submit their scholarly articles covering any legal regime that complied with the submission guidelines. The selection process of the articles will be subjected to a blind review by a review panel consisting of the lecturers of the Faculty of Law, University of Colombo. The final decision on the articles to be published is made by the Editorial Panel of the Thulawa Law Magazine 2023 on the recommendations of the review panel.
Calling for Papers
The Thulawa Association of the Faculty of Law, the University of Colombo invites scholarly articles covering any legal regime for Thulawa Law Magazine 2023, the undergraduates’ official publication of the Faculty of Law, University of Colombo.
Submission Guidelines:
- Legal articles written in English/ Sinhala/ Tamil; can be submitted under any legal regime of the candidates’ choice.
- Submissions should be in MS Word format.
- Paper Size: A4
- Word Count: 2000 -2500 (excluding footnotes & bibliography)
- Font type: English – Times New Roman/ Sinhala – Iskolapotha/ Tamil – Kalaham
- Line Spacing: 1.5
- Margins: 1”
- Referencing Style: ‘Oxford Style Referencing’ (Oscola – 4th Edition)
- Footnotes and Bibliography should be used.
- All articles should be accompanied by an abstract of 150 – 200 words and 5 keywords.
- Details of Authors should also include academic/professional qualifications and current affiliation. As well as contact details should be provided in the cover email.
- Submissions must be original that have not been published elsewhere.
- The selection of articles for the Magazine is subjected to a blind reviewing process.
- The final decision on articles to be published is made by the Reviewing Panel consisting of lecturers of the Faculty of Law.
- All submissions should be sent by email to: thulawamagazine2023@gmail.com
- You can download the Abstract template and the Full paper template via thulawa.org.
- Deadline for submissions: 7th September 2023
Any queries;
Vajira Galigamuwa – +94 717 515 651 (Editor-in-chief)
Thedini Bopege – +94 719 488 032 (Director of Publications)