Volunteering & Internships with the Legal Aid Unit

Volunteering & Internships with the Legal Aid Unit

The LAU invites the LLB undergraduates of the Faculty of Law of University of Colombo to apply for student-volunteer positions and internships.


The student-volunteers are given an opportunity to work with a volunteering lawyer to provide legal assistance to clients through face-to-face or telephone consultation sessions. The student-volunteers also may be given opportunities to assist the LAU staff with office administration work and project work.


Year II and III undergraduates are invited apply for the student volunteer positions. Priority will be given to Year II students.



The aim of the internship is to provide opportunities to undergraduates to mainly engage in non-case activities work such as community legal education or policy reform activities. Examples of such activities are: developing printed and digital fact sheets on domestic violence related information, social media campaigns on right to information applications, forum theatre performance for young people on basics of environmental law, a submission to the health ministry proposing measures to protect the privacy of mental health patients. The proposed project can also be coupled with a continuous assessment, if agreed by the respective course team of the Faculty academics. The LAU will guide the interns with further developing the project concept and delivering their project activities. The interns should source the required resources. The proposed project must have a life cycle of 6-12 months, from the approval to the completion.


Applications for internships can be submitted by one undergraduate or a team of undergraduates by completing an online application. Year IV undergraduates are given priority.



The undergraduates are required to complete the relevant online application forms before 31 January 2023. All applications will be assessed on merit basis, ensuring equitable distribution of positions across the three mediums.


Volunteer/Internship application:



Internship project submission (only if you have a new project):
