Guest Lecture on  “Human Trafficking”

Guest Lecture on “Human Trafficking”

Mr. Matt Friedman conducted a guest lecture on human trafficking on 7th June 2018 at the Ceylon Hall of the Faculty of Law, University of Colombo. Mr. Friedman is an expert in the area of Human trafficking, with more than twenty nine years of experience. Guest Lecture was organized by the Department of Public and International law of Faculty of Law, University of Colombo with assistance of the Embassy of United Staes in Sri Lanka,

The global statistics were brought forth so as to provide the students with a glimpse of how detrimental the issue of Human Trafficking is. And at the same time the lecture reassessed the future role of students who are learning law at the University Level. Mr. Friedman convinced the students to consider opportunities of spreading awareness on these kind of issues which threaten human well being. This lecture was of importance to students due to the exposure they gained to practical issues of the world. They were also educated on the role they have to take up as legal professionals to make a positive impact on the society.