The Faculty of Law offers three categories for obtaining a Doctor of Philosophy degree

1. Direct Admission to MPhil/PhD Programme

Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria, as outlined in the By-laws, and successfully pass an interview conducted by the Faculty of Law, may be granted direct admission to the MPhil/ PhD programme by the Higher Degrees Committee of the Faculty of Law.

2. Upgrading from Master of Philosophy (MPhil) to PhD Programme

Those pursuing a Master of Philosophy degree have the opportunity to upgrade to the PhD programme upon completion of one year of research and the successful compilation of at least three draft chapters with a minimum world limit of 25,000 with the endorsement of their supervisor, candidates may apply for admission to the PhD programme.

3. PhD by Published Work

Candidates have the opportunity to seek a Ph.D. degree by submitting a completed work, typically presented in the form of a written book. The conferral of the PhD degree is contingent upon the assessment and judgment of appointed examiners, and the examiners deem the submitted work to be a significant and substantial contribution to the body of knowledge within the pertinent field of study.
Further, every application made under this category shall be accompanied by a certificate that the published work on which the candidate bases his/her application has not been submitted for a Degree of this or any other University and that a candidate has received no assistance in the compilation thereof other than the assistance which is specified in detail in the application.



The checklist serves as a self-assessment tool for candidates pursuing a Ph.D. degree by publication. It enables candidates to measure whether their published work aligns with the academic and professional standards outlined in this field. Prospective candidates are expected to familiarize themselves with the specific guidelines and requirements outlined by the faculty of law before initiating the application process. This checklist not only aids candidates in evaluating the quality and relevance of their work but also ensures that their submissions meet the criteria essential for success in obtaining a Ph.D. degree.


  1. Three hard copies and a soft copy of the book should be submitted along with the application to the Postgraduate Unit of the Faculty of Law.
  2. The book should follow proper citation and referencing throughout. Adhering to an accepted citation style commonly accepted within the legal field is mandatory.
  3. The book should maintain an analytical approach rather than providing a descriptive summary of the work.
  4. The books should demonstrate a contribution to new knowledge in the field elucidate novel findings, and perspectives or insights that brink to the academic community.
  5. The book should be well-structured and logically organized.
  6. The book should be free from any grammatical, spelling and typographical errors.
  7. The book should include a comprehensive list of references/bibliography at the end of the book.
  8. Familiarize with any legal considerations, such as copyright, intellectual property and licensing issues, associated with the published book. Faculty of Law disclaims responsibility in this regard.
  9. The book should adhere to ethical guidelines, authorship and data usage.
Access to the application form for direct MPhil & PhD
Access to the application form for PhD by Publish Work


Master of Laws
Master of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy

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Post Graduate Unit
Faculty of Law
University of Colombo
Colombo 03
Sri Lanka